Elite systems, a very well known publisher of games in the 80s is looking to recreate the ZX Spectrum in the guise of a bluetooth keyboard, initially compatible with iOS, with Android, Windows & Mac updates to follow shortly after.
Although it’s clearly not a remake of the amazing 80s computer, it does look pretty awesome and is designed to work with the iOS Elite Collection.
Elite have setup a kickstarter campaign for the project, and at the time of writing, the campaign only has 16 days to go and is £20k short of it’s £60k goal. I for one would love to get my hands on this piece of kit… let’s hope they succeed with the campaign.

Nostalgia Nerd is also known by the name Peter Leigh. They routinely make YouTube videos and then publish the scripts to those videos here. You can follow Nostalgia Nerd using the social links below.