Welcome to a new series of videos I have lined up along the theme of UNBOXING.
Now, you can look anywhere on YouTube and find countless unboxing vidoes, mostly involving new products. I’m not entirely sure why people want to watch these videos; maybe it’s preparation so that when they purchase the product for themselves, they’ll know exactly how to unbox it in super quick time, thereby eliminating inefficiencies and getting to the product quicker. Of course, they could have just bought the product from the off, saved the time they would have spent watching the Youtube video and accomplished the same thing in a comparable time. Who F*cking knows.
But anyway, in this series, I plan to unbox various items I have purchased from eBay (thrilling stuff, I know). In this video, I have a mild idea of what’s in the box, but it’s been sitting around my house for a few weeks, so it’s not completely possible to tell. In any case, I haven’t looked in the box before.
Apologies for the sound, lack of video editing, problems with video noise, general poorness, etc, etc. Next time I’ll take more care, I promise.

Nostalgia Nerd is also known by the name Peter Leigh. They routinely make YouTube videos and then publish the scripts to those videos here. You can follow Nostalgia Nerd using the social links below.