Become a Patron

Hello there!

My name is Peter Leigh. You, I suspect, know me as Nostalgia Nerd, and you’re here because you watch my videos on YouTube. If so, then thank you, you need do nothing more. BUT if you’d like to be more involved in the channel, then read on…..

Every video I create, is for a love of the subject matter and creativity it offers; from vintage computers to the ageing games which ran on them. There are just so many memories, feelings and stories caught up in these “old” things, so to think that you’ve enjoyed the way I’ve told them, means a great deal.

I hope that Nostalgia Nerd is not only entertaining, but also a historical reference of things which are slowly becoming lost, and I hope it’s here for many years to come. So, for those who want to help support what I do, I offer you my Patreon page and my existing bloody-awesome community of Patrons.

Working alone, the YouTube game can be a struggle, but having you guys makes it a WHOLE lot easier. In fact, you’re the reason the channel continues to exist. All your donations are put straight back into the channel, either through rent, expenses, equipment or the glorious items which I acquire for filming. Ensuring they are preserved in glorious Technicolor.

So thank you. In exchange I’ve assembled some rewards to show my appreciation.



From an Exclusive chat communityAd-Free Early Access VideosQuarterly Reward Boxes and even the shiny Nostalgia Nerd Membership Pack (inc. member’s card, sticker and some other bits), see if anything takes your fancy, and if so, welcome on board.


-examples of physical rewards